Launching Courageous Church has been the most exciting, challenging, rewarding endeavor of my life. I am not an expert though. I regularly guess and experiment. Sometimes I guess correctly.
Here are my 10 favorite correct guesses :-)
I have made a gazillion mistakes since we launched though (I list 10 here).
In the spirit of keeping it real, I laid out some brutally honest facts about our church here.
Church planting has been way harder than I expected. A few months ago I wrote about 10 of those difficulties.
All of that said, I think we’ve learned a few transferable strategies on how a church can have a big launch (or grand opening) in large cities. Understand this, everything that we’ve done is not transferable. You must find your own voice/expression/strengths in your own context. Too often, church planters, with a genuine heart to grow a church, end up wrongly mimicking every detail of something they saw at their favorite church -and were SHOCKED when it didn’t work for them.
God does not desire that you simply be a carbon copy of what He is doing all around the world! Some programs or principles may transfer, but I urge you to first listen to the voice of God and get His heart for the people you are serving before trying any of what I am about to share.
-this is an excerpt from a blog I visit every once and a while:
I have never met Shaun, but he seems to be a real cool guy -seeking to make Jesus known.
I was encouraged by this blog and gleaned some real honest things from it.
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